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It's time we talked about Project #3

Best part of the semester, because we now get to talk about stories! But Project #3 isn't just about writing a kick-ass story, but also making sure people see it. You will be completing many small compositions in order to make Project #3 a success. Luckily, this entire semester you have been accumulating the skills necessary to make it happen.

This week's Twitter Assignment: review this photo and write an original Twitter narrative. I took a photo of this graffiti in the Sweet Shop:

Write the story of Morgan, Kayla, and Bekah (crossed out) at the Sweet Shop in the subgenre you selected from your curation in series of 10 tweets. Is it a romantic drama situation? Is it a crime story? Is it a science fiction story?

Welcome to Project #3

Your assignment for Project #3 is to write, produce, and promote your own narrative.

You will be composing a piece of fiction which relying on the knowledge you gained in Project 1 and written in the subgenre style you analyzed in Project #2. This means if you researched Coral Reef bleaching for Project #1 and Teen Romance for Project #2, then you will be composing a romance with teens who are super invested in the oceans.

But composing the fiction is not all you will be doing. You will also publish this narrative yourself on Watt Pad and then build two real advertisements for the work of fiction and using two social media accounts, persuade others to read/view/experience it.

And you can do this.

You’ve learned how to study a narrative closely and how they use research to tell a story (P1). You have learned all the components of a particular subgenre and its conventions (P2). Now, you will assemble your own narrative, design it and ready it for digital consumption. You will also create two supporting advertisements to act as promotional materials for the narrative with the intention of attracting an audience and support a minimum of two social media accounts in order to encourage that audience to locate your narrative. (You already have experience with Twitter, so you know how to do that. You also engage on social media every day with Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc).

The project has many components (consider this your checklist):

  • The narrative (Draft #1 and Draft #2)

  • Short Assignment 1- Narrative Proposal with Production Calendar

  • Short Assignment 2- Character Sketch

  • Short Assignment 3- Promotion Plan

  • Advertisement 1

  • Advertisement 2

  • social media account 1 - and minimum requirements

  • social media account 2- and minimum requirements

  • one 1,000 word Process Report recording your progress and results

First: The WRITING

Write your short story. It must be 10 double-spaced pages. The narrative must be a work of fiction (no personal essays), and must be based on THE SAME RESEARCH FROM PROJECT #1 WRITTEN IN THE SAME SUBGENRE AS PROJECT #2.

This is not the same thing as writing your own version of the original narrative you studied for Project #1. You cannot use the same characters or multiverse as the narrative you studied because that would be Fan Fiction.

If you have an interest in writing a short story which can be experienced in a different mode -- like audio or audio/visual -- you must receive pre-approval from me regarding minimums and where you will be posting your original narrative for your mode of choice.

Next: Production

  • Responsible for writing and posting the narrative

  • Responsible for building the visual materials which will advertise and promote the narrative.

  • Must plan and post the minimum requirements for social media accounts.

Next: The Promotion

  • Conceptualize the advertisements for the campaign. They should be different and designed to be easily shared via social media. These ads should also be truthful. This is a real project, so DO NOT claim your work of fiction is a New York Times Best Seller. It isn't. You will be lying.

  • All written materials for social media promotions. (Tweets, posts, blog materials, website copy)

  • Design TWO Social Media accounts to promote the narrative: Supply the art, gifs, promotional materials, writing for social media; Post many times daily on each site (You cannot use your class Twitter account as one of the two. However, you should definitely use your class account to encourage your fellow classmates to follow you and help promote your narrative. You class is a network and you should all help each other promote). Remember that a successful social media account is not just about the composition, but about the composer. That should be how you approach your social media accounts; they are about you and your brand as the composer of this narrative.

Next: 1,000 Word Report

After the project is complete, you must write 1,000 words on your decision-making process during the project. This is similar to the reflections you have completed previously for your other projects, except with more requirements.

  • What is the name of the narrative you create? List everything you were required to do and everything you completed.

  • Who was the intended audience for this narrative? How did the strategies you employed reach your audience?

  • What genre conventions did you utilize for the completion of my project?

  • What software, programs and tools did you utilize to complete this project?

  • How did the project change from conception to completion?

  • How did you manage your time for this project?

  • What was most challenging about composing Project #3 vs Project #1?

  • What advice would have given yourself before beginning Project #3 to make the process easier?

So where do you start for this project? Answer these questions:

  • What did you research for Project #1?

  • What subgenre did you analyze in Project #2

  • What kind of story would you like to read? What would your best friend want to read?

  • Who else would want to read this story? Who would be your audience?

  • What would be the best mode and format for this story? How would your audience wish to consume your narrative?

Once you figure that out, write Short Assignment 1, which is due by 11:59 pm on MONDAY NOV 11. Short Assignment #1: Narrative Proposal (500 words). What is the narrative you plan to write? What mode will this narrative take? What are the sub-genre conventions of this narrative? Who is the audience for this narrative? What tools and skills will be required to assemble this narrative? What two persuasive advertisements will you build to promote this narrative? Which two social media accounts will you design and maintain to reach your audience for this project? What is the time frame and requirements necessary to complete this project? ALSO: Provide a detailed bullet point list of all the tasks required in order to complete this project (ex: finalizing the script, editing promotional art, recording vocal tracks, etc.) and how you anticipate managing your time for it. Assign deadlines for yourself (not class deadlines: personal deadlines) for when each task should be complete in order for you to reach your class deadlines.

Don't Forget:

  • Revision Memos are due TODAY before 11:59 pm. Email those to me.

  • Classmate Review for P2D2 is due TUESDAY, NOV 5 before 11:59 pm to your shared folder.

  • Classmate Evaluation is due WEDNESDAY, NOV 6 before 11:59 pm to Canvas.

  • P2 Draft #3 is due before SUNDAY, Nov 10

  • P3 SA1 Narrative Proposal is due before 11:59 pm, MONDAY, NOV 11.

  • If you are a face to face learner who needs to talk out ideas with me before a project begins, set up an appointment with me THIS WEEK to pitch ideas for Project #3.

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